Sunday, September 15, 2013

Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 7 Wrap Up

           While this series was enjoyable to me it faced many problems that helped to lead to it being cancelled. First, in what was supported to be a way for new readers to get into reading comics the series needed too much on knowing past Legion history and stories for parts that made it very unfriendly to new leaders. In my opinion the series would have been helped by instead of having a separate mini series on the Origin of the team published along with the early series they instead used the issues to establish the characters so people could better understand them.

 The series was not helped by the  fact that the first few issues were not the best and felt like they rushed things. However, I felt that some of the best issues in the run were the day in the life issues. The first one being a nice split between stories and featuring Stonehenge.
           Second, a failing came about with their not being a way to bring back the Legion Lost crew. They are stuck in the past(and likely other dimension) and pay off hinted at in the Legion lost ending was not able to be carried out. I don't think a second Legion series hurt sales of this one as before the reboot their was two series. Historically two series also did well.
            Third, the writer Paul Levitz a old Legion hand writing was okay. The stories did not trend new ground and did not have the fun and humor that some of the classic series had but were not bad. However, While this Legion is in the Earth 2 universe I did like the fact that he hints to the great darkness saga of the past and other events that did happen. Also I was happy to see that the established relationships between characters was their and they felt well done.
           Fourth, I would have liked more of Lighting Lad and Saturn Girl. Two Legion classic characters who when they appeared were really well done and fun to see. Speaking on this it was also great to see that the same ex relationship of Shrinking Violet and Lighting Lass still existed and was written in a way to be positive and shown to not even cause eyes to brink at it in the Legion of the 31 century. It was also nice to see that relationships and friendships played a large role in the series. I always enjoyed Dream Girl and Brainaic Five's interactions. While she did get annoyed at him you could see she respected him and him her.
         Lastly, I felt that DC comics did not support the  series very well. In fact from some sources and feelings I have I think that DC did not support the Legion enough for awhile. I hope when cooler headers prevail and maybe after a break that the Legion will come back. Bigger and better than ever. I hope that some of the outcry from fans has done a little something. Through in a side note I do find it funny that the 31th century replacement comic for the Legion has been pushed back a bit.
         All in this I enjoyed this series and wished that the numbers had of stayed well and the series could have gone on                  

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