The story opens with Cosmic Boy and Brainiac 5 entering a hospital where Lighting Lad and Sun Boy are because of a rocket crash. The nurse tells them to follow her and that Dr. Landro is going to use fouth dimensional surgery.
Home of the history of the Legion of Superheroes and Comic Book Consideration
Friday, May 25, 2012
From the Vault Adventure Comics 303
The story opens with Cosmic Boy and Brainiac 5 entering a hospital where Lighting Lad and Sun Boy are because of a rocket crash. The nurse tells them to follow her and that Dr. Landro is going to use fouth dimensional surgery.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Legion of Super-heroes #8
cast of characters
Invisible kid aka Jacques Foccart
Mon-El aka Lar Gand
Ultra Boy aka Jo Nah
Brainiac 5 aka Querl Dox
Cosmic Boy aka Rokk Krinn
Saturn Girl aka Imra Ardeen-Ranzz
Lighting Lad aka Garth Ranzz
Night Girl aka Lydda Jath
The comic starts on the medi-center of planet Zardon, in the 31st century. A women with long ears and in red says. WHERE is it? A doctor says. I-I can't-- The women in red then says. Wrong answer, Doc. A women next to him is killed with a AYEEII- the doctor then yells. JOSI! The person then says. Wanna try again?
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Legion Lost 8
The comic starts in the Antarctic at a sprawling scientific complex for an organization called N.O.W.H.E.R.R. A voice says. Do you have a moment, Agent Psykill? Psykill responses with a. Barely. The man who said the question then says. I just came from a meeting with TEMPLAR. At this Psykill says. How nice for you, Director Centerhall. Meetings are so productive- And Zaniel can be rather ENTERTAINING in his way. Centerhall then says. yes.. WELLL... We intercepted a police report about a "Wolf Boy" that allegedly attacked a gang of drug dealers in NEW YORK CITY. The suspect matches the description of a Metahuman who recently invaded a top secret medical facility in MADISON, WISCONSIN. Templar and I believe he is a member of a TEAM that is of particular interest to our principal. Psykill then says. And you want me to APPREHEND them? Centerhall surprised says. H-how did you--? Psykill at this says. Our so called PRINCIPAL alerted me an hour ago. A retrieval team is already assembled and you've holding up our departure.
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