Cast of Characters
Sun Boy aka Dirk Morgna
Element Lad aka Jan Arrah
Chemical Kid aka Hadru Jamik
Dream Girl aka Nura Nal
Star Boy aka Thom Kallor
DragonWing aka Marya Pai
Brainiac 5 aka Querl Dox
Mon-EL aka Lar Gand
Chameleon Boy aka Reep Daggle
The comic starts in the sea of fire, Xinjuan region. Earth 31st century. Sun Boy starts by saying. Seriously ugly. Element lad with him and looking too ads. How did your people do this to your world, Dirk.? Chemical Kid also with them adds. And what are We supposed to do about it?
Below them cities covered by shields are surrounded by magma. Sun Boy adds. Keep it from getting worse, For a start. Be nice if we could fix it. Element Lad then adds. It took generations to ruin-- we won't undo it in a day. Focus on your flight ring, Land-- ANd follow me down. He starts down and chemical Kid says. Ulp.